Volunteers Play a Critical Role

The Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) is a volunteer advisory group appointed by the MCWD Board of Managers. The CAC advises and supports the MCWD Board of Managers on matters affecting the interests of the Watershed District to help advance our vision of Balanced Urban Ecology throughout the watershed. To assist the Board of Managers, CAC members engage in the following activities:

  • Consider issues relevant to the function and purposes of the MCWD.
  • Examine, refine, and build on the strategy and communications for MCWD key initiatives.
  • Review and advise on budget, capital improvement plans, and other projects or activities.
  • Advise and assist in decision-making.
  • Raise issues of public concern.

Membership and Recruitment

The CAC is made up of 14 members from across the watershed. CAC members serve two-year, staggered terms and must live within the watershed boundary. New members are recruited each autumn and start their terms in January each year.

We’re recruiting interested volunteers to join our CAC!

Residents are encouraged to apply if they have a curiosity about the work of a watershed district and an interest in issues such as water, environmental stewardship, conservation, and community development. We welcome applications from residents that bring a variety of personal and professional experiences. To learn more about serving as a CAC member, read the latest Position Description. Applications will be accepted from residents living within the watershed through October 21, 2024.

Current CAC members are listed below.

  • Emily Balogh, St. Louis Park
  • Marcy Bean, Excelsior
  • Cara Donovan, Minneapolis
  • Daniel Flo, Minneapolis
  • Lisa Fowler, Minnetonka
  • Robert Glisky, Minneapolis
  • Laurie Goldsmith, St. Louis Park
  • John Iverson, Victoria
  • Suzanne Jiwani, Edina
  • Drew McGovern, St. Louis Park
  • Rich Nyquist, Minneapolis
  • Denise Tennen, St. Louis Park
  • Janet Schaefer, Long Lake
  • Sheri Wallace, Mound


The Citizens Advisory Committee meets every other month but occasionally holds supplemental meetings to discuss timely initiatives. CAC meetings are typically held on Wednesday evenings at the MCWD office.

Questions about the CAC?

Samantha Hoppe, Outreach Manager



Make a Difference in Your Community

Looking for other ways to make a positive impact in the watershed? There are many things you can do to promote clean water.