Frequently Asked Questions
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Water is Minnesota’s most notable resource. To ensure Minnesota’s water resources remain protected, various government agencies are responsible for different aspects. The Minnehaha Creek Watershed District has 129 lakes, eight major creeks, and thousands of wetlands. Have a question?

Water Quality
There’s algae in a water body near me, is it harmful?
Visit the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)’s website for more information on blue-green algae and harmful algal blooms.
Is it safe for my pets to drink water from the lake or creek?
When in doubt, keep your pets out. Usually, it is harmless for your pet to ingest some water from a local lake or creek. However, after extreme rain events, in times of drought, and when a lake has an active algae bloom, water quality may be worse than usual. Some algae can be toxic to your pets. Visit the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)’s website for more information on common water quality concerns.
How do I report a water quality concern?
Most environmental concerns can be reported to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). If you see someone dumping materials in a lake or creek, please contact MCWD’s permitting team.

Who do I contact about a public access issue at a waterbody in the watershed?
Boat launches on a lake, pond, or creek are usually managed by local municipalities, counties, or the DNR. Please contact your city, county, or the DNR.
Who should I call about removing downed trees or other obstacles?
Contact the city where the tree or obstacle is located.
- City of Minnetonka: 952-988-8421
- City of St. Louis Park: 952-924-2562
- City of Hopkins: 952-939-1382
- City of Edina: 952-826-0308
- Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board: 612-313-7710

Things you can do
Does MCWD offer cost-share programs or grant funding for rain gardens, native plants or other Best Management Practices (BMPs) at my home?
MCWD does not offer funding or cost-share opportunities for residential BMPs, but many of our partner organizations do. You can also contact your city or county staff to learn more about the options they provide.
Where can I learn more about permeable pavers?
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s Stormwater Manual provides guidance on the use of permeable pavers. For more resources on porous pavers, check out MCWD’s blog.
What are approved plantings for a wetland buffer area?
Check out MCWD’s Guide to Wetland Buffers. You can also visit the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) website to learn more about what to plant (and what not to plant) in your wetland buffer. Contact our permitting team for more information and questions.
Can someone from MCWD speak at my event?
Contact Samantha Hoppe to discuss your event and determine whether a MCWD representative could attend.

There is trash along a water body near me, who should I contact?
Reach out to the city where the trash is located. Our municipal partners typically handle trash mitigation along the water bodies within their jurisdiction. Residents can also get involved by volunteering through local clean-up events. View a full list of organizations that support regular volunteer opportunities, like cleanups.
There are dead fish in a water body near me, who should I contact?
Reach out to the DNR to report a fish kill near you: Fish kills and die offs | Minnesota DNR (state.mn.us)
Does MCWD allow hunting on its lands?
No, MCWD does not allow any form of hunting on its lands.
Can I tap a tree on MCWD’s land for maple syrup?
No, MCWD does not allow the tapping of trees on any of its lands.
Does MCWD have a map of Lake Minnetonka or Minnehaha Creek?
Yes, MCWD has maps of the Minnehaha Creek and Lake Minnetonka available for pick up at our office.
Are leashed dogs allowed on the Minnehaha Creek Preserve Boardwalk?
Yes, leashed pets are allowed on the Minnehaha Creek Preserve Boardwalk.
Can I pump water from a nearby lake?
Both MCWD and the MN Department of Natural Resources (DNR) manage the appropriation of surface water and groundwater. Please see MCWD’s appropriations rule and contact our Permitting team to determine whether an MCWD permit is necessary. Our team can also help you determine whether a permit from the DNR may be required to withdraw water. Visit the DNR’s website to learn more and apply.