Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thursday, August 23, 2012
Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Office
Lower Level Meeting Room
18202 Minnetonka Boulevard
Deephaven, MN 55391

Board of Managers: Jim Calkins, President; Brian Shekleton, Vice President; Richard Miller, Treasurer; Sherry White, Secretary;
Pam Blixt, Manager; Jeff Casale, Manager; William Olson, Manager

Note:  Indicated times are estimates; actual times may vary considerably.  Individuals with items on the agenda or who wish to speak to the Board are encouraged to be in attendance when the meeting is called to order.

6:00-6:45pm             1.         Committee Meetings – None

6:45pm                      2.         Board Meeting Call to Order and Roll Call                                         

6:45-6:50pm             3.         Matters from the Floor

Anyone wishing to address the Board of Managers on an item not on the agenda or on the consent agenda may come forward at this time.  Comments are limited to two minutes.

6:50pm                      4.         Approval of Agenda (Additions/Corrections/Deletions)

6:50-6:55pm             CONSENT AGENDA

(The consent agenda is considered as one item of business. It consists of routine administrative items or items not requiring discussion. Items can be removed from the consent agenda at the request of a Board member, staff member, or a member of the audience.)

5.         Approval of Minutes*

5.1          Approval of 8/16/2012 Minutes

6.         Approval of Check Register       

6.1          Checking: Account 1008557

6.2          Petty Cash: Account 1010120

6.3          Surety: Account 1017509

6.4          Checking: Account 1057025

7.         Consent Items

7.1          RBA 12-074 Approval of Capital Improvement Plan – Houdek      

8.         Information Items and Correspondence

8.1          Approved July CAC Minutes – Barten

8.2          August  16, 2012 Minutes  (TBP) – Barten

6:55-10:25pm           REGULAR AGENDA

9.         Committee and Task Force Reports

9.1          Board Updates:

– AIS Task Force


– Hydrodata Committee

– Other

9.2          Upcoming Committee and Task Force Meeting Schedule

Currently Scheduled

– 3:00pm-5:30pm, August 27, 2012, Board Executive Committee, St. Louis Park City Hall

– Other

9.3          To Be Scheduled:


10.       Permits Requiring a Variance or Board Discussion

10.1       Note – the Permit for Reach 20 Improvement Project will be included under the Action item 11.6.

11.       Board Action Items

11.1       Items removed from the Consent Agenda

11.2     RBA 12-082 Approval of  Watershed Heroes Nominations – Mamayek

11.3     Action on a request for funding for Milfoil Pesticide Treatments on Lake Minnetonka.

11.4     Action on a request for funding additional AIS Inspections.

11.5     RBA 12-076 Revise the conceptual development intentions for the Halverson property – Wisker

11.6     RBA 12-077 Award Design Contract for the Halverson-Dimler Restoration – Forner

11.8     Minnehaha Creek Reach 20 Presentation and Actions – Wisker

-RBA 12-072 Approve final design, permit and bidding of Reach 20 – Wisker   

-RBA 12-078 Authorization to contract with Hart Howerton to perform urban corridor planning – Wisker

-RBA 12-079 Authorization to contract with HR Green to perform second phase restoration design for Reach 20 – Wisker

-RBA 12-080 Authorization to contract with Wenck Associates to perform conceptual drainage design in urban corridor ? Wisker

– Request to schedule a walking tour for August 30, 2012 of the   Minnehaha Creek Reach 20 –Wisker

11.9      Authorization to enter into a purchase agreement for 15320 Minnetonka Blvd.  (TBP) – LaSalle

12.       2013 Preliminary Budget and Levy Presentation – Evenson

13.       Closed Session to discuss property in Minnetrista ?Wisker/LaSalle

14.       Adjournment