6:45 PM
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Board Meeting
Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Office
Lower Level Meeting Room
18202 Minnetonka Boulevard
Deephaven, MN 55391
Board of Managers:
Jim Calkins, President; Brian Shekleton, Vice President; Richard Miller, Treasurer; Sherry White, Secretary; Pam Blixt, Manager; Jeff Casale, Manager; William Olson, Manager
Note: Individuals with items on the agenda or who wish to speak to the Board are encouraged to be in attendance when the meeting is called to order.
4:00 – 6:00 pm 1. Committee Meeting: None
6:45 pm 2. Board Meeting Call to Order and Roll Call
6:45 – 6:50 pm 3. Matters from the Floor
Anyone wishing to address the Board of Managers on an item not on the agenda or on the consent agenda may come forward at this time. Comments are limited to two minutes.
6:50 pm 4. Approval of Agenda (Additions/Corrections/Deletions)
5. Information Items/Correspondence (Items listed under the Information/Correspondence section of the agenda will be considered as one item of business. It consists of routine administrative items or items not requiring discussion. Items can be removed and discussed at the request of a Board member, staff member, or a member of the audience.)
5.1 Draft November 15, 2012 CAC Minutes – Barton
5.2 ?Clean Marina? Program update – Dawson
6:50-6:55pm CONSENT AGENDA
(The consent agenda is considered as one item of business. It consists of routine administrative items or items not requiring discussion. Items can be removed from the consent agenda at the request of a Board member, staff member, or a member of the audience.)
6. Approval of Minutes
6.1 Approval of December 6, 2012 Board Minutes
7. Approval of Check Register
7.1 Checking: Account 1008557
7.2 Petty Cash: Account 1010120
7.3 Surety: Account 1017509
7.4 Checking: Account 1057025
8. Consent Items
8.1 Resolution 12-103. Approval of design for Reach 14 Project (Edina) and authorization to solicit bids and execute easements – Houdek
8.2 Resolution 12-105. Approval of 2012 Cynthia Krieg Watershed Stewardship Grant Proposals – Yetka
8.3 Resolution 12-107. Approval of 2013 Official Newspaper – Evenson
8.4 Resolution 12-108. Approval of 2013 Depository of Funds – Evenson
8.5 Resolution 12-109. Approval of 2013 Fee Schedule – Evenson
8.6 Resolution 12-110. Approval of Scope of Services for Managed Services with Veracity, Inc. – Mandt
6:55-10:00pm REGULAR AGENDA
9. Committee and Task Force Reports
9.1 Board Updates:
9.2 Upcoming Meeting and Event Schedule:
– 6:30pm, December 20, 2012, CAC Meeting MCWD Offices – (Shekleton)
– 5:30 pm, January 3, 2013, Legislative Committee, MCWD Offices
– 5:30 pm, January 10, 2013, Finance Committee, MCWD Offices
– 5:30 pm, January 15, 2013, Personnel Committee, MCWD Offices
9.3 To Be Scheduled:
– None
10. Permits Requiring a Variance or Discussion
10.1 Permit #12-377: Reach 14 Streambank Improvement Project
11. Action Items
11.1 Resolution 12-111. Authorization to Release the Illicit Discharge and Appropriations Rules for Public Comment – Christopher
11.2 Resolution 12-112. Resolution Certifying Costs of the Watershed Management Plan Capital Improvement Program and Requesting Issuance of Permanent Obligations by Hennepin County, Minnesota – Wisker
11.3 Resolution 12-114. Approval of DNR Delegation Agreement for Watercraft Inspection and Access Control – Dawson
11.4 Resolution 12-104 Approval of the 2013 AIS Prevention Plan Financing – Dawson
11.5 Resolution 12-113.Approval of an Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Minnetrista for the Halstads Bay Internal Load Project – Cedarleaf/Dahl
11.6 Resolution 12-115. Restructuring of MCWD Board and Committees and Approval of 2013 Board Schedule – O?Toole, Himlie, Evenson
12. Board Discussion Items:
12.1 – None
13. Staff Updates
13.1 None
14. Adjournment
Upcoming Meeting/Event Schedule
Thursday, January 3, 2013, Board of Managers Meeting – MCWD Lower Level Meeting Room 6:45 pm*
Thursday, January 10, 2013, Board of Managers Meeting – MCWD Lower Level Meeting Room 6:45 pm*
Thursday, January 17, 2013, CAC Meeting – MCWD Lower Level Meeting Room 6:45 pm
Thursday, January 24, 2013, Board of Managers Meeting – MCWD Lower Level Meeting Room 6:45 pm*