Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thursday, December 29, 2011
Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Office
Lower Level Meeting Room
18202 Minnetonka Boulevard
Deephaven, MN 55391

Board of Managers:

Jim Calkins, President; Brian Shekleton, Vice President; Lee Keeley, Secretary;

Richard Miller, Treasurer; Pam Blixt, Manager; Jeff Casale, Manager; William Olson, Manager

Note:  Indicated times are estimates; actual times may vary considerably.  Individuals with items on the agenda

or who wish to speak to the Board are encouraged to be in attendance when the meeting is called to order.

6:00-6:45pm             1.         Committee Meetings – None

6:45pm                      2.         Board Meeting Call to Order and Roll Call                                   

6:45-6:50pm             3.         Matters from the Floor

Anyone wishing to address the Board of Managers on an item not on the agenda or on the consent agenda may come forward at this time.  Comments are limited to two minutes.

4. Introduction of New Staff ? Christopher/Mandt        

6:50pm 5. Approval of Agenda (Additions/Corrections/Deletions)

6:50-6:55pm CONSENT AGENDA

(The consent agenda is considered as one item of business. It consists of routine administrative items or items not requiring discussion. Items can be removed from the consent agenda at the request of a Board member, staff member, or a member of the audience.)

6.         Approval of Minutes*

6.1     Approval of 11/10/2011 Minutes

6.2     Approval of 12/8/2011 Minutes

6.3     Approval of 12/15/2011 Minutes

7.         Approval of Check Register    

7.1     Checking: Account 1008557

7.2     Petty Cash: Account 1010120

7.3     Surety: Account 1017509

7.4     Checking: Account 1057025

8.        Consent Items

8.1     RBA 11-110 – Approval of agreement to settle wetland buffer status at Kroul property ? Schwitzer

8.2     RBA 11-111 – Approval of Independence Local Water Management Plan ?


8.3     RBA 11-112 – Authorization to contract with Barr Engineering for design of Langdon-Saunders Raingarden Project (LL-3) – Dahl

8.4     RBA 11-113 – Authorization to solicit proposals for the Painter Creek (PC-2, 6, 7) feasibility study – Dahl/Wisker

8.5     RBA 11-114 – 4300 Oak Road, Minnetrista:  Stipulation Agreement Proposal ? Schwitzer

8.6     11-360:  Gleason North Association, MCWD Pond Maintenance – Christopher

8.7     11-361:  City of St. Louis Park, MCWD Pond Maintenance – Christopher

8.8     11-362:  MPRB, MCWD Pond Maintenance – Christopher

8.9     RBA 11-115 – Authorization to enter into a contract with Interfluve Inc. for the final design and construction oversight of Reach 20 capital project – Wisker

8.10    RBA 11-116 – Authorization to enter into a contract with Wenck Associates to complete a feasibility study for SMC-1 (Pierson Lake) capital project – Wisker

8.11    RBA 11-117 – Approval of financial policies ? Evenson

– Credit Card Policy

– Investment Policy

– Public Expenditures Policy

8.12    RBA 11-118 – Approval of Citizen Advisory Committee recommendation for a funding limit to the Cynthia Krieg Watershed Stewardship Fund Grant Program – Yetka/Anderson

9.     Information Items and Correspondence

9.1     Citizens Advisory Committee November Minutes – Christopher

9.2     Twin Lakes Update – Forner

9.3     Dutch Lake Filtration Project Bid Award – Clark

6:55-10:25pm           REGULAR AGENDA

10.       Committee and Task Force Reports

10.1    Board Updates:

–    Other

10.2    Upcoming Committee and Task Force Meeting Schedule

Currently Scheduled:

–       January 9, 2012 4:00 pm, Hydrodata Committee, MCWD Offices

10.3  To Be Scheduled:

–    Personnel Committee

–    Regulatory Committee

–    Other

11.  Permits Requiring a Variance or Board Discussion

11.1    None

12.       Board Action Items

12.1    Items removed from the Consent Agenda

12.2    11-313:  National Park Service – 5601 Minnehaha Park Drive/Coldwater

 ? Christopher

12.3    RBA 11-119 – Approval of Cynthia Krieg Watershed Stewardship Fund Grant applications for the 2011 Funding Cycle – Yetka/Anderson

12.4    RBA 11-120 – Authorization to execute temporary and permanent easement with Met council for MCWD’s Lake Street Properties, Hopkins – Wisker

12.5    RBA 11-121 – Name 2012 official newspaper – Evenson

12.6    RBA 11-122 – Name 2012 depository of funds ? Evenson

12.7    RBA 11-123 – Approval of 2012 fee schedule ? Evenson

12.8    RBA 11-124 – Approval of 2012 meeting schedule – Evenson

12.9    RBA 11-125 – Action on District’s role in Aquatic Invasive Species management

 – Evenson

13.       Board Discussion Items

13.1    none

14.       Staff Updates

14.1    none

15.       Adjournment

Upcoming Board Meeting/Event Schedule

–       January 5, 2012, 6:45pm, MCWD Board Workshop

–       January 12, 2012, 6:45pm, MCWD Board Workshop

–       January 26, 2012, 6:45pm, MCWD Board Meeting, MCWD Offices