Thursday, July 18, 2013
6:45 PM
Thursday, July 18, 2013


Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Office
15320 Minnetonka Boulevard
Minnetonka, MN 55391

Planning and Policy Committee members: Sherry White, Chair; Brian Shekleton; Richard Miller

Operations and Programs Committee Members: William Olson, Chair; Jeff Casale; Pam Blixt

Note:  No official action will be taken during committee meetings.  Items discussed in committee may be continued, forwarded to another committee, or advanced to a Board workshop or meeting.  Individuals who wish to speak to the committee members are encouraged to be in attendance when the meeting is called to order.

6:45 – 7:15 pm            Joint Committee Meeting – Board Room

1.  Call to Order and Roll Call – Calkins
2. Updates & Announcements
3. Adjourn to Individual Committees

7:15-9:00 pm              Operations and Programs Committee ?Board Room

  1. Approval of Agenda (Additions/Corrections/Deletions)
  2. 2014 Planning and CIP Budget Refinements – Houdek
  3. Communications Quarterly Report ? Mamayek
  4. Education Program Quarterly Report – Yetka
  5. Watershed Heroes ? Mamayek
  6. Phase II – MCWD District Offices – Parking Lot and Landscaping BMPs – Yetka
  7. 2014 Cost Share Program Workplan Review and Discussion – Yetka
  8. 2014 IT Budget and Workplan – Mandt
  9. 2014 AIS Workplans Review and Discussion – Dawson/Fieldseth
  10. Continuation of the Milfoil Weevil Program Discussion ? Fieldseth
  11. Nokomis Bio-manipulation Study ? Dooley (Evenson)
  12. 60st & 1st Discussion – Evenson
  13. Operations Budget – Evenson
  14. Adjournment

7:15-9:00 pm              Planning and Policy Committee – Breakout Room

  1.  Approval of Agenda (Additions/Corrections/Deletions)
  2. Six Mile Creek Planning – Cedarleaf Dahl
  3. Status of Possible Land Purchases in the 6-Mile Corridor – Wisker
  4. Adjournment