Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Winter Board Retreat
Edina History Museum
Arneson Acres Park
4711 West 70th Street, Edina
Thursday, January 30, 2014
4:30 pm – 5:30 pm Welcome and tour of Edina Mill Artifacts and Museum Collections – Bob Kojetin, Edina Historical Society Board Member and former 9-Mile Creek Watershed District Manager
5:30 pm Dinner and Welcome – Evenson
6:00 pm – 7:30 pm 2013 Accomplishments and 2014 District Activities – Mandt, Wisker, Mamayek, Dawson
– What was done, what was not done and why, 2014 plans.
7:30 pm – 9:00 pm Follow-up of 2013 Retreat – Smith
1. Implementation of ?In Pursuit of a Balanced Urban Ecology in the Minnehaha Creek Watershed?
– Communicating to stakeholders about priorities and the CIP.
– Express commitment to complement the efforts of cities, private development; move away from regulatory-focused relationships; integrating our work into the plans and works of others, & institutionalize the conversation.
– Interface of cities and watershed district management plans; Local Government Unit roles in the Wetland Conservation Act; watershed rules and resolution of policy conflicts; (monitor implementation of recent plan amendment).
- Ground Water- Ground water
? surface water relationships and public awareness.
– Water supply conservation; use of once-through cooling systems. - Climate Change
– Atlas 14 – TP40 indicates that 100 year events will have 0.1 – 1.5? more rainfall. Drought and dredging pressures, storm events, mitigation of extremes.
- Agricultural Runoff
- Large Scale Wetland Restoration
9:00 pm Adjourn
Note: Following the retreat MCWD Board Managers may gather for a purely social event immediately after the meeting. Members of the public are welcome.