MCWD Office, Board Room
Board of Managers:
Sherry White, President; William Olson, Vice President; Jessica Loftus, Treasurer; Eugene Maxwell, Secretary; Richard Miller, Manager; Arun Hejmadi, Manager; Steve Sando, Manager
Board Liaison: Manager Olson
Citizens Advisory Committee Members:
Emily Balogh, Marcy Bean, Dan Flo, Lisa Fowler, Robert Glisky, Laurie Goldsmith, John Iverson, Suzanne Jiwani, Drew McGovern, Rich Nyquist, David Oltmans, Cassy Ordway, Marc Rosenberg, Denise Tennen
6:30 pm 1. Committee Meeting Call to Order and Roll Call
- Approval of Agenda (Additions/Corrections/Deletions)
2.1 March 15, 2023 agenda
- Approval of Minutes (Additions/Corrections/Deletions)
3.1 January 18, 2023 minutes
- Action Items
No action items
7:00pm 5. Discussion Items
- Land & Water Partnership Initiative – Christopher and Moran
8:10pm 6. Informational Items + Updates
6.1 CAC Member Updates
6.2 Board Liaison Updates
Visioning and 5-Year Strategic Action Plan
Classification and Compensation Study
6.3 Staff Updates
Capital Project Progress
2022 Permitting Report
Minnehaha Creek Preserve Boardwalk Reconstruction
Six Mile Creek-Halsted Bay Habitat Restoration
Spring Water Levels
Website Progress Update
8:30pm 7. Adjournment
Upcoming Meeting
Wednesday, May 17, 2023 Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting (Manager Maxwell, Board Liaison)