Minnehaha Creek Watershed District
Meeting to be held via WebEx pursuant to Minn. Stat. Sec. 13D.01
One or more Board Managers will be participating telephonically
Log into the meeting at: https://minnehahacreekwatersheddistrict.my.webex.com/minnehahacreekwatersheddistrict.my/j.php?MTID=mc74cf56070cbdc2cb0500bb6c8e142a1
Enter Meeting number: 627 896 060 and
Password: MCWD
You may also join by phone by calling: 408-418-9388
Enter Meeting number: 627 896 060 and
Password: MCWD
Meeting call-in instructions can also be found on the District website at https://www.minnehahacreek.org/minutes/agenda/march-26-2020-board-meeting
Board of Managers:
Sherry White, President; William Olson, Vice President; Jessica Loftus, Treasurer;
Kurt Rogness, Secretary; Richard Miller, Manager; Arun Hejmadi, Manager; Eugene Maxwell, Manager
Note: Individuals with items on the agenda or who wish to speak to the Board are encouraged to be in logged in or on the phone when the meeting is called to order.
7:00 pm 1. Board Meeting Call to Order and Roll Call
7:05 pm 2. Matters from the Floor
Anyone wishing to address the Board of Managers on an item not on the agenda or on the consent agenda should indicate such at this time. Comments are limited to two minutes.
3. Approval of Agenda (Additions/Corrections/Deletions)
4. Information Items/Correspondence (Items listed under the Information/Correspondence section of the agenda will be considered as one item of business. It consists of routine administrative items
or items not requiring discussion. Items can be removed and discussed at the request of a Board member, staff member or a member of the audience.)
4.1 None
7:05-7:10pm CONSENT AGENDA
(The consent agenda is considered as one item of business. It consists of routine administrative items or items not requiring discussion. Items can be removed from the consent agenda at the request of a Board member, staff member or a member of the audience.)
5. Approval of Minutes
5.1 Approval of the March 12, 2020 Board Minutes
6. Approval of Check Registers
6.1 General Checking Account
6.2 Surety Checking Account
6.3 Wire Transfer(s)
7. Consent Items
7.1 None
7:10-10:00pm REGULAR AGENDA
8. Board, Committee and Task Force Reports
8.1 Board Updates:
– President’s Report – White
– Policy and Planning Committee Meeting Report – N/A
8.2 Upcoming Meeting and Event Schedule:
– 6:30 pm, April 1, 2020 Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting – CANCELLED
– 5:15 pm, April 9, 2020 Operations and Programs Committee Meeting, via WebEx
– 7:00 pm, April 9, 2020 MCWD Board Meeting, via WebEx
– 5:15 pm, April 23, 2020 Policy and Planning Committee Meeting, via WebEx
– 7:00 pm, April 23, 2020 MCWD Board Meeting, via WebEx
9. Public Hearings & Presentations
9.1 None
10. Permits Requiring a Variance or Discussion
10.1 None
11. Action Items
11.1 None
12. Board Discussion Items
12.1 None
13. Staff Updates
13.1 Administrator’s Report – Wisker
14. Adjournment