Since 2015, MCWD has worked with communities in the watershed’s headwaters to develop and implement a collaborative vision to improve water and natural resources, while integrating local development goals in the Six Mile Creek – Halsted Bay (SMCHB) Subwatershed. 

East Auburn Wetland Restoration Public Meeting

MCWD is partnering with the City of Victoria to restore the East Auburn Wetland, a wetland complex along Six Mile Creek that flows to impaired East Auburn Lake. The project design includes the installation of a sheet pile weir to restore the wetland’s hydrologic function, thereby reducing nutrient loading and improving water quality downstream. In addition to the weir, MCWD and the City are planning to replace the dilapidated pedestrian boardwalk that crosses the wetland in order to enhance accessibility and safety for community members.

In February, the project reached the 60% design milestone. To provide information on the project and collect community feedback, MCWD and the City of Victoria will host a public meeting on March 25, 2025. Project design will be finalized later this Spring and construction is anticipated to begin in Winter 2025.

also in this update

  • Collaborative Planning in Victoria’s Western Growth Area
  • Carp Management Efforts on Parley Lake
  • Connecting with the Carver County Board of Commissioners

Read the full update

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