
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Offices
Board Room
15320 Minnetonka Boulevard
Minnetonka, MN 55345

Board of Managers:Sherry White, President; Brian Shekleton, Vice President; Richard Miller, Treasurer; Kurt Rogness, Secretary; Pam Blixt, Manager; Jim Calkins, Manager; William Olson, Manager

Note:  Individuals with items on the agenda or who wish to speak to the Board are encouraged to be in attendance when the meeting is called to order.

6:45 pm

1. Board Meeting Call to Order and Roll Call

6:50 pm

2. Matters from the Floor
Anyone wishing to address the Board of Managers on an item not on the agenda or on the consent agenda may come forward at this time.  Comments are limited to two minutes.

3. Approval of Agenda (Additions/Corrections/Deletions)

4. Information Items/Correspondence
(Items listed under the Information/Correspondence section of the agenda will be considered as one item of business. It consists of routine administrative items or items not requiring discussion. Items can be removed and discussed at the request of a Board member, staff member, or a member of the audience.)
4.1 Commissioner Callison’s Annual Visit


(The consent agenda is considered as one item of business. It consists of routine administrative items or items not requiring discussion. Items can be removed from the consent agenda at the request of a Board member, staff member, or a member of the audience.)

5. Approval of Minutes
5.1 Approval of the October 8, 2015 Board Minutes.

6. Approval of Check Register
6.1 General Checking Account
6.2 Surety Account
6.3 325 Blake Road Checking Account

7. Consent Items
7.1 Resolution 15-086 Authorization to Hire Smith Partners as District Counsel for 2016-2017 – Erdahl 
7.2 Resolution 15-087 Authorization to Hire Wenck Associates as District Engineer for 2016-2017 – Erdahl



8. Board, Committee, and Task Force Reports
8.1 Board Updates: 
– President’s Report – White
– PPC Report – Calkins

8.2 Upcoming Meeting and Event Schedule:
6:00 pm, October 29, 2015, Board Retreat, Location TBD
6:45 pm, November 5, Operations and Programs Committee, Big Island Room, MCWD Offices
6:45pm, November 12, 2015 Board Workshop, Board Room, MCWD Offices
6:30 pm, November 18, 2015, CAC Meeting, Board Room, MCWD Offices (Board Liaison: White)
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm, November 19, 2015 Rescheduled Policy and Planning Committee Meeting due to Thanksgiving Holiday, Big Island Room, MCWD Offices
6:45 pm, November 19, 2015, Board Meeting, Board Room, MCWD Offices
6:45 pm, December 3, 2015, Operations and Programs Committee is CANCELLED due to MAWD Annual Conference
6:30 pm, December 9, 2015, CAC Meeting, Board Room, MCWD Offices (Board Liaison: Olson)
6:45 pm, December 10, 2015, Board Workshop, Board Room, MCWD Offices
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm, December 17, 2015, Rescheduled Policy and Planning Committee due to Christmas Holiday, Big Island Room, MCWD Offices 
6:45 pm, December 17, 2015, Board Meeting, Board Room, MCWD Offices

9. Public Hearings & Presentations
9.1 Lake Minnetonka Zebra Mussel Study Presentation – Fieldseth/Steve McComas

10. Permits Requiring a Variance or Discussion
10.1 15-445: Mooney Lake Preserve – Dietrich

11. Action Items
11.1 Items removed from Consent
11.2 Resolution 15-088 Ordering the Meadowbrook Golf Course Ecological Restoration Project and Authorization to Amend the Cooperative Agreement with MPRB for Project Design – Hayman/Wisker
11.3 Resolution 15-089 Authorization to Contract with Himle Rapp for Comprehensive Plan Support – Christopher
11.4 Resolution 15-090 Authorization to Execute a Memorandum of Understanding with James R. & Jane Ann Hesse and Pemtom Land Company – A. Brown
11.5 Resolution 15-091 Approval of Revised 2016 Budget as Proposed by Staff with Recommendation of the Policy & Planning Committee – Erdahl
11.6 Resolution 15-092 Authorization to Execute an Amendment to the Memorandum of Agreement between MCWD and Gateway Knollwood, LLC. – Wisker

12. Board Discussion Items:
12.1 None

13. Closed Session 
Healy Litigation – Legal Counsel

14. Staff Updates
– Administrator’s Report – Erdahl

15. Adjournment

October 26, 6:30-7:30pm, Master Water Stewards informational meeting, MCWD Community Room  
November 12, 5:30-9pm, Climate Minnesota Convening, Eisenhower Community Center – Hopkins  
December 1, 8am-1pm, Winter Roads Maintenance Workshop, MCWD Community Room
December 1, 6-9pm, Lakes and Rivers Summit, Eisenhower Community Center, Hopkins   
December 2, 8am-1pm, Winter Parking Lot and Sidewalk Maintenance Workshop, MCWD Community Room