Big Island Restoration — North Side

Building on the success of the Big Island Restoration project, which stabilized shoreline at Orono’s Big Island Park, Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) partnered with Three Rivers Park District to restore approximately 1,200 feet of shoreline on Park District land on the north side of Big Island. The project used natural shoreline anchors including large rocks, trees, and plants to reinforce soil at the water’s edge. The project prevents the loss of more shoreline, improves water quality, and provides habitat for waterfowl, fish, and other aquatic life in a popular park area.
Cruiser’s Cove is a popular destination for boaters along the north side of Big Island. Wave action from heavy boat traffic and weather patterns contributed to severe erosion along the shoreline, which resulted in unstable banks that fell into Lake Minnetonka and degraded water quality. By restoring and stabilizing the shoreline, the north side of Big Island is significantly less impacted by wave action.
Project Timeline

Planning Phase
Planning Phase
2011 — Initial inspection of shoreline erosion conducted and cooperative agreement reached

Design Phase
Design Phase
July 2012 — Design phase begins
November 2012 — Design phase complete

Construction Phase
Construction Phase
2013 — Construction begins
2014 — Construction ends

Project completion
Project Completion
2014 — Project completed
By the Numbers
of shoreline restored
trees & shrubs
of buckthorn removed
Project Highlights
- Improved water quality by restoring degraded shoreline
- Enhanced aquatic and terrestrial vegetation
- Invasive species removal, including buckthorn
- Improved and protected critical shoreline habitat
“This project is a great example of two natural resource management organizations sharing resources to improve the quality of Lake Minnetonka and enhance wildlife habitat.”
John Barten, Natural Resources Director, Three Rivers Park District
MCWD partnered with Three Rivers Park District to restore eroded shoreline along the Big Island Regional Park.
Project Cost: $283,003
The shoreline restoration costs were split between Three Rivers Park District and MCWD.