
As part of a comprehensive effort to restore Minnehaha Creek, the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) worked with 16 Edina homeowners to restore approximately 2,000 feet of shoreline with native plants along a residential stretch of Minnehaha Creek. The project transformed the creek’s appearance and the new plantings prevent erosion, catch and filter polluted stormwater, and provide habitat for wildlife. The natural landscaping also looks beautiful and deters geese.

“Reach 14” of Minnehaha Creek is a three-quarter-of-a-mile stretch of creek from 54th Street to France Avenue and was identified in a 2004 study as having poor habitat for aquatic life due to warm, shallow water and lack of vegetation. Since the creek is bordered by private homes, many of which have turf grass or large rocks along the stream bank, MCWD saw an opportunity to improve the creek’s eco-system by working with homeowners to add plants, shrubs, and trees along the water’s edge.

At a Glance

  • Edina
  • Minnehaha Creek Subwatershed
  • Status: Complete
  • 2013

MCWD Staff Contact

Michael Hayman



Supporting Materials

Map of participating properties (PDF)

Homeowner plant guide

Project Cost


Project Timeline

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Planning Phase

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Planning Phase

2004 — Study identified Reach 14 as an area for restoration

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Design Phase

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Design Phase

July 2011 — Public meeting to present project design

August 2011 — Project feasibility report published

September 2011 — Public hearing

September 2012 — Preliminary design review

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Construction Phase

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Construction Phase

2012 — Construction on homeowner sites begins

2013 — Construction ends

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Project completion

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Project Completion

2013 – Project completed

By the Numbers


residential properties




of streambank restored



Buffers of native vegetation on each property

Project Highlights

  • Erosion prevention
  • Stormwater capture and filtration
  • Improved habitat for fish and wildlife
  • Restored streambank


The restoration of Reach 14 would not have been possible without the cooperation of landowners along the creek. Sixteen residential property owners coordinated with MCWD to restore the streambank and install best management practices.


Project Cost: $170,703

MCWD funded the residential landscaping of all 16 of the shoreline properties and maintained the native plants for three years before turning over responsibility to the landowners who now maintain the landscaping.