March 2025 Updates in the Six Mile Creek-Halsted Bay Subwatershed
Since 2015, MCWD has worked with communities in the watershed’s headwaters to develop and implement a collaborative vision to improve…Read Post
The quality of our work is driven by the engagement and perspectives of people across the watershed. Creating a healthy watershed of vibrant communities requires strong collaboration. There are many ways you can stay up to date and pitch in to protect and improve our water resources.
News releases, blog posts, water level updates, and project updates are frequently shared so you can stay in the loop with MCWD’s most recent activities and initiatives. Sign up for MCWD’s email newsletters to receive the most up-to-date information.
Our Board meetings are open to the public. Opportunities to comment on upcoming decisions, including review of our budget and management plans, are kept up to date on our website for those interested.
Volunteer to serve on this committee of residents appointed by the MCWD Board of Managers. CAC members provide critical perspectives that shape our project and policy work.
Our impact is greater when we work together. Volunteers play an important role in advancing local actions to support clean water. Connect to find opportunities to lend a hand near you.
Everyone can make a difference in building a healthier watershed and more resilient community. Whether you live on an urban lot, own shoreline, or a larger piece of property, learn more about the best practices that you can pursue.
Minnesota is fortunate to have many organizations at work for cleaner water and healthier landscapes. We partner with many organizations that provide rewarding volunteer opportunities, valuable technical and financial resources, and education programs.
If you’ve paddled the creek, walked along one of our watershed’s iconic waterbodies, or experienced the many recreational opportunities within the Minnehaha Creek Watershed, you’re involved in our work. There’s always more to explore.
Since 2015, MCWD has worked with communities in the watershed’s headwaters to develop and implement a collaborative vision to improve…Read Post
PATRIOT Carver County commissioners were afloat in water issues at their Feb. 18 meeting. The county board conducted a public…Read Post