
The Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) is retrofitting an existing stormwater pond in Orono to improve water quality to downstream Long Lake. The project, mapped out in the collaborative Long Lake Creek Partnership Roadmap, will involve the addition of a sand filtration bench to improve water treatment capacity in the pond. Use of this improved technology will increase the pond’s ability to treat water from the surrounding area before it reaches Long Lake and maximize the pond’s water storage.

The County Road 6 Pond was constructed in 1998 to reduce sediment and nutrients flowing into Long Lake. In 2018, MCWD partnered with the Cities of Long Lake, Medina, and Orono, and the Long Lake Waters Association to conduct a subwatershed assessment identifying project opportunities in the region. In 2021, the County Road 6 Pond was identified as a near-term opportunity to increase regional treatment capacity and generate significant water quality benefits, especially as MCWD already owns and manages the pond.

At a Glance

  • Orono
  • Long Lake Creek Subwatershed
  • Status: Design
  • 2026

MCWD Staff Contact

Kailey Cermak



Supporting Materials

Long Lake Creek Partnership Roadmap

Project Cost


Project Updates

Fall 2024

The Board of Managers authorized a design contract with Stantec at its May 9, 2024, meeting for the County Road 6 Pond Retrofit. MCWD will engage with the community on the project’s design plans prior to final design.

Project Timeline

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Planning Phase

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Planning Phase

2018 MCWD conducts subwatershed assessment with partners to determine project opportunities in the Long Lake Creek Subwatershed

2022 — Project planning begins

April 2023 — MCWD begins a feasibility study based on Resolution 23-018

September 2023 Feasibility completed

March 2024 MCWD’s Board orders the project and authorizes to release a request for proposals for design and engineering services with Resolution 24-018

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Design Phase

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Design Phase

May 2024 — MCWD’s Board authorizes a design contract for the County Road 6 Pond Retrofit with Resolution 24-031

June 2024 — Design begins

September 2024 The project reaches 60% design, and MCWD’s Board receives a briefing on design

Winter 2024-2025 Design completed

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Construction Phase

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Construction Phase

January 2026 — Construction begins

Winter 2026 — Construction completed

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Project completion

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Project Completion

2026 — Complete

By the Numbers



of Phosphorus reduced annually

Project Highlights

  • Improvement of stormwater management ponds to enhance water quality in Long Lake

All metrics anticipated upon project completion.


The County Road 6 Pond Retrofit project was identified through a Long Lake Creek subwatershed assessment conducted with support from the Cities of Long Lake, Medina, and Orono, and the Long Lake Waters Association. These partners are advancing collaborative projects in the Long Lake Creek Subwatershed.


Project Cost: $665,000

MCWD is providing the funding for the retrofit of the County Road 6 Pond.