The MCWD Board of Managers will review permit application 24-401 for an exception request related to the reconstruction of Burl Oaks Golf Course in Minnetrista. The review is scheduled for the Board meeting on February 27, 2025, at the MCWD offices. Please note that the meeting date is subject to change. Be sure to confirm this item is on the meeting agenda before attending.

This project triggers our Erosion Control, Floodplain Alteration, Waterbody Crossings & Structures, Stormwater Management, and Wetland Protection rules. The exception request is for section 4a of the Wetland Protection Rule.

Site plans and additional information can be found on the right side of this page.

If you have any questions regarding the project’s compliance with MCWD rules or would like to provide input before the meeting, please contact the staff member listed below.

Name of Applicant: Burl Oaks Golf Course

Project Address: 5400 North Arm Drive, Minnetrista
