Thursday, December 11, 2014

6:45 PM
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Offices
Board Room
15320 Minnetonka Boulevard
Minnetonka, MN 55345
Board of Managers:Sherry White, President; Brian Shekleton, Vice President; Richard Miller, Treasurer;  Jeff Casale, Secretary; Pam Blixt, Manager; Jim Calkins, Manager; William Olson, Manager

Note:  Individuals with items on the agenda or who wish to speak to the Board are encouraged to be in attendance when the meeting is called to order.

6:45 pm

1. Board Meeting Call to Order and Roll Call

6:50 pm

2. Matters from the Floor
Anyone wishing to address the Board of Managers on an item not on the agenda or on the consent agenda may come forward at this time.  Comments are limitedto two minutes.

3. Approval of Agenda (Additions/Corrections/Deletions)

4. Information Items/Correspondence (Items listed under the Information/Correspondence section of the agenda will be considered as one item of business. It consists of routine administrative items or items not requiring discussion. Items can be removed and discussed at the request of a Board member, staff member, or a member of the audience.)
4.1 October 22, 2014 Approved CAC Minutes
4.2 Lake Nokomis Water Quality Improvement Project: Implementation of Biomanipulation Study – 2014 Update – Dooley


(The consent agenda is considered as one item of business. It consists of routine administrative items or items not requiring discussion. Items can be removed from the consent agenda at the request of a Board member, staff member, or a member of the audience.)

5. Approval of Minutes
5.1 Approval of the November 6, 2014 Joint OPC and PPC Minutes.
5.2 Approval of the November 20, 2014 Board Minutes.

6. Consent Items
6.1 None



7. Board, Committee, and Task Force Reports
7.1 Board Updates: 
President’s Report ? White
CAC Update – Olson
MAWD Annual Meeting Report – White, Olson, Calkins, Blixt

7.2 Upcoming Meeting and Event Schedule:
December 18, 2014, 6:45pm, MCWD Board Meeting, Board Room, MCWD Offices
December 25, 2014, OFFICE CLOSED for Holiday
December 26, 2014, OFFICE CLOSED for Holiday
January 1, 2015, OFFICE CLOSED for Holiday
January 8, 2015, 6:45pm, Committee Meeting, MCWD Offices**
January 15, 2015, 6:45pm, Workshop, MCWD Offices**
January 22, 2015, 6:45pm, Committee Meeting, MCWD Offices** 
January 29, 2015, 6:45pm, Board Meeting, MCWD Offices
****  Pending upon Board approval of 2015 meeting schedule  

7.3 To be Scheduled:

8. Public Hearings & Presentations
8.1 None

9. Permits Requiring a Variance or Discussion
9.1 Permit 14?587 MCWD, 8251 MN Hwy 7, Minnestrista, Gould Barn Demolition for Erosion Control – Dietrich

10. Action Items
10.1 Items Removed from the Consent Agenda
10.2 Resolution 14-XXX Approval of the Cynthia Krieg Grant Recommendations – Lochner
10.3 Resolution 14-100 Authorization to Award Construction Contract and Issue Notice to Proceed for Long Lake Creek Corridor Phase II Restoration Project – Hayman
10.4 Resolution 14-101 Final Approval of Design and Authorization to Solicit Bids for Cottageville Park – Clark
10.5 Resolution 14-XXX Authorization to Amend Minnehaha Creek Reach 20 Restoration Project to Complete Additional Streambank Stabilization – Hayman
10.6 Acceptance of the 2015 Cost Share/LID Grant Program Criteria ? Eidem 
10.7 Resolution 14-XXX Authorization to Execute MOU with Great River Greening – Wisker 

11. Board Discussion Items:
11.1 None

12. Staff Updates*
Administrator’s Report – Spartz

13. Closed Session 
13.1 325 Blake Road, Hopkins

14. Adjournment

December 16th from 6:30-7:30pm Master Water Stewards Information Session, MCWD Offices, Board Room